The young generation of UKTMK employees is the real driving force of the Plant. The hard work of the youth, their willingness to use non-standard approaches and actively implement innovations ensure the enterprise's continuous successful development in rapidly changing conditions.
But the success of the young people in any of the company's divisions would not have been possible without the support and wise guidance of their elders. Those people who have devoted themselves to working at the Plant have vast experience and knowledge of work processes, and are ready to share them with novice colleagues.
An organized approach Mentoring at UKTMK is not a chaotic process with unpredictable results, but a unified experience transfer system. Its goals are to improve staff skills., ensuring the optimal use of time and resources for interns to achieve the necessary production performance as soon as possible, reducing staff turnover and motivating young people to establish long-term employment relationships with the Plant.
– The mentor's tasks include assisting the intern in mastering the profession and familiarizing himself with official duties, demonstrating modern working methods, and transferring personal experience. Also, the trainee is trained in the shortest possible time in the necessary professional skills and compliance with production requirements., including occupational health and safety issues. The mentor should introduce the intern to the workforce, help them understand the corporate culture and contribute to the continued long–term stay of the ward at the Plant," explained Zaira Bakytkanova, Chief Specialist for Staff Training and Development.Wise mentors should develop a positive attitude towards work responsibilities among newcomers. To foster a sense of personal responsibility for effective work, to help achieve high results.
– The system consists of a total number of mentors in structural divisions of various categories, managers and specialists in organizing staff training, training and development programs for interns, methodological support for mentoring, as well as systems for selecting, evaluating and stimulating mentors, – Zaira Bakytkanova added.In total, according to her, 32 employees are currently engaged in mentoring at the Plant. All of them have significant work experience in the company and they have a lot to teach their students. These are professionals of completely different specialties and ages working in various departments. But they all have one thing in common – a sincere desire to help and contribute to the training of competent young personnel for UKTMK. It is this kind of generational continuity that ensures the preservation of the glorious labor traditions of the Plant and allows it to maintain a high standard in the production of high-quality products from year to year.
After all, only sincerely passionate, well-trained professionals are engaged in its production.Says the mentor However, long before mentoring at the Plant became a large, well-established system that allows you to literally forge the right personnel on your own., The training of young people was just a good tradition of the Combine. Since the first years of UKTMK's existence, employees who have gained significant experience in production have been happy to share it with newcomers who are taking their first steps at the enterprise.
– I think this is a necessary procedure. Mentoring is an integral part of production. This is both a long-standing tradition and just a necessity. A new employee cannot work without a mentor. There is always someone assigned to the youth. Usually senior shift foremen or foremen. At first, they do not leave the students, because there are taps, melt, and electric current in the workshop," explained Yerzhan Raisov, senior foreman of the electrolysis department of workshop No. 1. He himself has come a long way at UKTMK. He worked both as a smelter and as a machine tool foreman.
He has been mentoring for three decades. He considers himself a strict teacher, tries to make the meaning of the lessons reach each ward.
– When I explain something, I always try to make the student understand why it is necessary and why I tell him to do it that way., and not otherwise. I'm probably too meticulous, but the fruits of my mentoring are visible. There are many people whom I have personally trained, and they are working well now. They are already considered experienced employees who can become mentors," Yerzhan Raisov said.
At the same time, he always quickly and easily determines which employee the student will be in the future. Yerzhan Raisov admitted that hardworking beginners who are interested in learning a profession can be seen right away.
– It is immediately noticeable whether a hardworking person or not. Secondly, it is clear what a person is capable of. There are hardworking people, but they are hard to train. And there are smart ones, but lazy ones. But hardworking people will still learn how to do things right, even if it wasn't easy at first," Yerzhan Raisov explained. According to him, it is possible to turn a beginner into a person who understands technological processes in a year. But it takes 5-10 years for an employee to fully understand the specifics of the job.
Only after such a long period of time does an employee become a true professional of UKTMK, who is ready for any challenges associated with the difficult profession of a metallurgist. And he is happy to share his experience with young colleagues.